Sunday, September 4, 2011

My little man

Gig Em' Aggies!

He doesn't care that he has his sister's paci!

Touch my sister and I'll get you!

My sweet boy

Bubbie, you are my little man, my heart melts when you are around. I love to hear you shout "MOMMA" when you wake up from your naps. I love when you pull on my legs to pick you up. I love that you lay your head on my shoulder when you are feeling sweet. I love when you get excited about things on t.v. and you get my attention so I can be excited with you. I love that you love to read and bring me books, sit on my lap, and point at the pictures. You give me open mouth kisses that are wet and sloppy- and I wouldn't trade them for the world. You are all boy...running, climbing, dusty and dirty, messy, fast, sweaty, and mostly loving. You are a sweet boy. Sweet to me, your daddy, and your sisters. I love you Bubbie.

At 18 months you:

still love to play with any type of ball

say: momma, daddy, tuck (truck), duck, sis, air air (airplane), cacker (cracker), bird, cow, dog, papa, poppi, dink (drink), book

take 1 or 2 naps per day

still have your paci and LOVE your blankie

love to read books

your favorite place to play is outside

favorite food- cheese

still sleep in your crib (thankfully!)

like to walk around in your sister's dress up high heels:) shhh...I won't tell!<

you arent afraid to get dirty, muddy, or wet

can climb to the top of the fort in the backyard with no help!

I love you Carter, you make me so proud to be your momma.

Monday, August 29, 2011

1 month!

Kirby is already over a month old, but I am going to keep track of her growth with these cute stickers! She weighs 10.9 pounds and is smiling at people when they talk to her! Just the other day I saw her brother ever so gently putting her paci in her mouth- so sweet!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

She's here, well she's been here! Kirby Love Shippey

Hello- thank you for being patient for this post. Its a month late, and here's why: our sweet Kirby has given us a run for our money! And that's a mild way of putting it! She was born on July 20th at 11:33 am weighing 7.14 pounds and 19 1/2 inches long. My BIGGEST baby so far! We came home, got settled, brought Scarlett and Carter home, and que the colic. WHEW colic is a beast, to say the least. It is something I have never had to experience with my other two, thankfully. It is both frustrating and heartreaking to see your baby cry, and cry, and cry! Things are getting better thanks to our dear friend and pediatrician who suggested putting Kirby on acid reflux medication to help ease her pain- and it is working! Also, the whirlwind of having two other children in the mix has rocked my world a bit:) So- that is why this post is delayed...I have been a little busy! Kirby is growing wonderfully ,and has started to smile at people when they are sweet talking only 5 weeks old! Maybe I'm just a proud momma, but that's pretty early to be doing that! We are trying to get her on more of a consistent schedule (trying for more consistency) so she can learn to fall asleep on her own....that would be the monster behind our sleeplessness:) Nevertheless, I'll take the good, bad, and ugly because she and her brother and sister are worth every laugh, every tear, and every sleepless night. Here is the link to her newborn pictures taken by Christina Shippey just click on the blog tab to see them! We love our sweet Kirby!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

They supervise each other!

Let's admit it- sometimes when I don't hear crying or whining I sigh with relief and get some things done on my to-do this is what the rascals were up to...

Brushing and ballet symposium in the tub!

Sister dumping AS MANY TOYS as she can in her brother's bed to keep him happy. And not knowlingly teaching him how to climb out of his crib:(

Oh Geez...I hope he forgets this moment and doesnt starts flinging himself out of his crib at this age (16 months) that's TOO EARLY!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Kirby's room is complete:)

Here are some shots of Kirby's room- we are expecting her arrival anyday! I could not have completed her room without the help of our friends from church. Hannah Swor, a student in the youth ministry and sweetheart painted the mural, Glenda Collins made the cornice board, and Joy Farmer (master of all things handmade) made Kirby's bedding.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Scarlett's first dance recital!

Recently Scarlett had her first dance recital! She did perfect!Her class did a ballet routine to "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes". I was worried that there may have been tears shed out of fear, but there wasn't a teardrop near her eyes...they were all collected in mine! She performed at the Wortham Downtown- a pretty swanky gig for your first recital!

With her friend backstage before her number.

Ready Mom!

She did SOOO GOOD! No tears!

Daddy and his ballerina!

All of Scarlett's friends and family that came to see her dance:)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Summer is almost here!

We are ready for summer! I am lucky that both of my kids LOVE to play outside, eat popsicles, eat MORE popsicles, get dirty, get wet, ride bikes, play ball, and overall just be kids that feel right at home in the great outdoors! Makes a momma happy:)
We are preparing for Jantie's wedding in 2 weeks which will take place in Wimberly, Tx at the Red Corral Ranch. Scarlett will be the flower girl and Carter will be the ring bearer (that's his official title although I doubt he will be able to walk a straight line and hold anything- so basically I will be carrying him!) We are so excited to see Jantie and Buddy get married and to take in the beautiful scenery of the ranch- can we say mini vacation?!
I am 31 weeks prego with Kirby and feeling great! Her room is almost finished and I will be taking materntiy pics with my sister in law (Christina Shippey) pretty soon ( I will post pics of all things Kirby soon!)

In the meantime- satisfy your sweet tooth with these sweeties!

She loves to pose for pictures!

Perched in his new spot- IN the sandtable! I guess I better move it into the grass for when he topples out!