Tuesday, August 23, 2011

She's here, well she's been here! Kirby Love Shippey

Hello- thank you for being patient for this post. Its a month late, and here's why: our sweet Kirby has given us a run for our money! And that's a mild way of putting it! She was born on July 20th at 11:33 am weighing 7.14 pounds and 19 1/2 inches long. My BIGGEST baby so far! We came home, got settled, brought Scarlett and Carter home, and que the colic. WHEW colic is a beast, to say the least. It is something I have never had to experience with my other two, thankfully. It is both frustrating and heartreaking to see your baby cry, and cry, and cry! Things are getting better thanks to our dear friend and pediatrician who suggested putting Kirby on acid reflux medication to help ease her pain- and it is working! Also, the whirlwind of having two other children in the mix has rocked my world a bit:) So- that is why this post is delayed...I have been a little busy! Kirby is growing wonderfully ,and has started to smile at people when they are sweet talking only 5 weeks old! Maybe I'm just a proud momma, but that's pretty early to be doing that! We are trying to get her on more of a consistent schedule (trying for more consistency) so she can learn to fall asleep on her own....that would be the monster behind our sleeplessness:) Nevertheless, I'll take the good, bad, and ugly because she and her brother and sister are worth every laugh, every tear, and every sleepless night. Here is the link to her newborn pictures taken by Christina Shippey just click on the blog tab to see them! We love our sweet Kirby!


Matt said...

Congratulations! She is just beautiful, as are the other two kiddos. The pictures are amazing. What a wonderful way to capture those precious memories. Good luck with the colic! My kids didn't have it, but Truman did have acid reflux and it was awful until we put him on some medicine. I hope you're getting some rest! I'm thinking of you!

Matt said...

Shippey, that comment was from Diana H. Matt always does this to me. He signs me out and himself in and I don't notice until I leave someone a comment.