9 months- Breakfast with sister and santa
7 months- Ahoy matee!
9 months- his sister sabatoged him with toys!
8 months- our little rolly poly, he LOVED that alligator!
3 months- his FIRST smile captured on photo!
March 8, 2010
6 pds 9 oz, 19 3/4 inches
1:09 pm
I can't believe it...my BABY BOY is already one. I am both happy and sad (sad because where did the year go...really, where did it go?)Here are my little man's current stats:
- 24 pds.
- 4 teeth (2 on top, two on bottom)
- has had 2 haircuts, compliments of daddy!
- can point with his pointer finger at objects he wants
- favorite toy is a toy drumstick, his sister's music box, and a ball
- LOVES his sissy and chases her around constantly
- can say "this", "ball", "dada", and "mama", and "hi"
- loves to go on walks and to swing outside
- sleeps about 11 hours per night. Goes to bed around 7 pm and wakes up around 6 am
- still takes his paci
- drinks about 3-4 bottles per day, and has transitioned to whole milk
- LOVES yobaby yogurt and would eat it all day if I let him
- takes 2 naps. One in the morning for about 45 minutes to an hour, and one in the afternoon for about 2 hours
- still doesnt like juice
- likes to flip the pages in a book, but doesnt really have an interest in sitting down to listen to them!
- can take about 2-4 steps- still no full blown walking yet!
- Loves bread and pizza crust!
- still sleeps with his elephant blankie EVERY night
- wears 18 months shirts and 12 month shorts/ pants
- loves to drink water from a sippy cup
- knows how to sign "more" and "please"
- can wave "hi" and "bye bye"
- can blow kisses (my favorite)
- can give "low" fives...still working on the "high" five!
- grunts VERY loudly if he wants something (mainly food) that another person has
- his favorite snack food is McDonalds french fries
- is so intrigued by iphones, computers, and anything technology related
- loves to play peek a boo
- can clap, dance, bounce, and squeal:)
- likes to play patty cake
- when he gets mad he hits the sides of his head with his hands, or bangs his head on the nearest object...funny, but a little sad at the same time. I cant help but laugh!
I love my boy- he is all boy. Scoots trucks and cars all around, head butts his sister when he wants to play with her, and above all is FEARLESS.
I am so lucky to have you in my life Bruddy (yep, thats what I call him...its a mix between brother and buddy) You and your sister are everything to me. Thank you for loving me, and allowing me to hug and kiss all over you!
They are both getting so big and are both just adorable! And you've got another one to look forward too! I can't wait to see pictures of the new baby!
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