Thursday, July 29, 2010

Practicing for Preschool!

This year Scarlett will be attending Eagle Heights Christian Academy 2 days a week! She is soooo excited about this big girl step! Today we got her nap mat and practiced laying on it for naptime. There will be several changes coming her way in the next few months: naptime on a naptmat, eating in the cafeteria, being in a classroom without me or her Nonni, wearing a uniform, sharing :), and just overall being in a new place with LOTS of new people! I for one am excited about preschool because it is time she branched out a little bit. She tends to be VERY clingy and I am ready for her to make some new friends! She also starts dance at Bonnie Sisco School of Dance next week! Here is a pic of her "practicing" on her mat!


Kristin said...

Yea! Where did you get the napmat, too cute. My boys have PB Kids napmats for school. Good luck with school helping with the clingyness...Connor is in daycare everyday and he is beyond clingy! Can't wait to here about her Dancing! How exciting for you and her both.

Angie said...

Her nap mat turned out really cute! It looks extra comfortable too!!!!