Friday, December 18, 2009

What she has been up to

Scarlett has my heart. I am in love with my girl. She has really developed such a sweet and strong personality over the past few months.

Here is what she has been up to lately...

-favorite sayings: "hush up cats", "I love you", "why?", "what he/she said?" (after I get off of the phone), "Mommy hold you" (when she wants me to hold her), "Mommy snuggle with me"

-favorite songs: "Single Ladies" by Beyonce (still), "Cowboy Casanova" by Carrie Underwood, and "Sing, Sing, Sing" by Chris Tomlin

- favorite game: putting on her tutu and dancing around the house with pom poms in hand, playing teacher, chasing Daddy around the house, tickling

-favorite food: Oranges, cereal, eggs, and Chic-Fil-A

-favorite movie: The Grinch

-What I love most about her: she knows scripture in that little heart, she understands when I explain that Christmas is Jesus' birthday, she loves to snuggle, she tells me she loves me before I tell her, she loves to give kisses, she is SUCH a girly girl, she loves to watch movies with me and Bryan, she gives Carter kisses and asks about him, and she tells me she is sorry when she hurts my feelings- so sweet!

I know that I only have 3 months left alone with her before Carter comes- so I am trying to soak up all of her that I can before my attention is averted towards our next little one. It is such a blessing to be a mom.